Based on the original Looney Tunes theatrical cartoon short, Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century, Duck Dodgers is the Daytime Emmy® Award-winning animated, sci-fi series that originally aired on Kids’ WB and centers on Daffy Duck, as the hero Duck Dodgers who is charged with protecting Earth from its biggest enemy, Martians. Duck Dodgers is always ready to swoop in and save the day, the planet and the galaxy – with a little luck and a lot of help, that is. He may be an intellectual featherweight but his duckbilled laser gun counts as heavy artillery. Joining him are some all-time favorite Looney Tunes characters, which make appearances in several of the series’ episodes.
Duck Dodgers: Dark Side of the Duck features an out-of-this-world theme song, which is arranged by the Grammy-Award winning The Flaming Lips and is sung by the legendary Tom Jones.
DVD Bonus Features:
Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century – The classic Merrie Melodies theatrical short directed by animation legend Chuck Jones featuring Daffy, Porky and Marvin the Martian.
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Warner Bros provided the
DVD we received in order to facilitate this review and giveaway, but all
opinions are 100% my own.
Bugs Bunny!!!