Monday, July 28, 2014

Update on our Backpack Back to School Campaign! #givingbackpack #ebates

I was provided $25 by our sponsor Ebates to purchase a backpack and school supplies. I was not compensated in any other way for this post. #givingbackpack #ebates

I am so excited to be taking part in the Backpack Back to School Campaign - so far through some wonderful sales we have purchased FOUR backpacks ($2.99 each) at Walgreens last week and tons of school supplies in addition to donations from friends and family! 

We are hoping to pick up the remaining supplies we need in the coming weeks! We then will be selecting two boys and girls locally to receive these awesome backpacks for their back to school needs!
****UPDATE as of July 30!! We have a family of four in our area that will be receiving our backpacks! I am so excited - two boys, two girls in grades K-4*****

Stay tuned as we update you on our Pay It Forward quest and please consider doing something like this within your community - there is always a need!


  1. Oh me! Back to school shopping already! We got some of our first back to school items last weekend, much more to buy though. This sounds like a great thing you are doing!

  2. It's crazy how summer is almost over! I have been enjoying the temperatures. This does sound like a great thing :).

  3. This is awesome! What a blessing you are doing this. We went back to school shopping on Monday. It's always a fun thing for me as we are homeschoolers and I come up with my own list, haha!

  4. This sounds really fun! Let me know if you have a connection on who/how to give the backpacks away. This would be a fun thing to do for my Random Acts of Kindness Series.

  5. That is such a sweet idea! I love back to school shopping and it's so great to help others in this way.

  6. This is so awesome. I will be working with a company soon that gives a backpack FULL of supplies to a child in need for each backpack they sell.

  7. This is such an amazing opportunity! Looks like you found some real deals!
