Nickelodeon's unconventional princess, Nella, is bringing action-packed adventures into homes with her first DVD release, Nella the Princess Knight, featuring eight exciting episodes from the show's first season. On January 30th, 2018, fans can join Nella on daring quests as she transforms into a princess knight and courageously defends her kingdom. Whether she's searching for a lost invitation or rescuing a phoenix, Nella is always ready to stand up for what's right.
Nella the Princess Knight is produced by Nickelodeon Home Entertainment and distributed by Paramount Home Media distribution and will be available on DVD January 30, 2018 for the suggested retail price of $10.99 at major retailers nationwide in addition to online at Amazon.
Nella the Princess Knight contains the following episodes:
- Princess Nella's Orc-hestra
- That's What Best Friends Are For
- Big Birthday Surprise
- Sir Clod
- The Blaine Game
- Knightly Knight Dragons
- Inside and Seek
- Up All Knight
Our Thoughts:
The new series on Nickelodeon is so much fun to watch while it is teaching our children (boys and girls) that regardless of gender, we are all strong and can achieve goals and tasks before us! I hope this show continues because it delivers a powerful message to our children!
Enter for your chance to win Nella: The Princess Knight on DVD - Giveaway Ends 1/30/18!! Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below!
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