Tuesday, November 17, 2015

#DIY Edible Holiday Platter, Plates and Bowls Project - Festive and fun for the Holidays!


I love making homemade edible gifts to give during the holiday season and even to bring to gatherings and parties we attend. A couple years ago my sister gave us cookies on a homemade edible plate and it was such a fun idea that we decided to do it ourselves! The fun thing about this recipe is you can get very creative when shaping the hot melted mints and create some fancy shapes like bowls and cups too, in addition to plates and platters!

  • Starlight Mints - red and green (we used generic ones, but you can also use Brach's mints)

  • Cookie sheets, circular pizza sheets, jelly roll pans and spring-form pans
  • Parchment paper (wax paper can be used too but parchment works better)

1. Preheat oven to 350F degrees.

2. Place wax paper on whatever type of pan you are using.

3. Arrange mints in any design you wish on top of wax paper or parchment paper on a cookie sheet (We did all red plates and a red and green ringed bowl - use your imagination). Allow for space around edge of paper since mints will melt and spread a little.


4. Bake for approximately 8-10 minutes.

5. Take out and allow to cool on cookie sheet for approximately 5 minutes (cool for less time if you are trying to mold into a bowl or other shape - it will need to cool long enough for mints not to run). Note: we molded one of our round shapes over an upside down bowl (heat-resistant) to shape into the bowl below!

6. Remove wax paper from bottom - these are fragile so handle with care.

We even stacked our homemade bowl and plate for an extra festive flair!


  1. This is awesome! I know my kids would love to make this. :-)

  2. This looks so cool. I think we are going to do this with my class this year as a fun holiday craft! Bonus we can use it for our party!!

  3. This is such a wonderful and fun idea, I wonder if anyone actually eats the bowls and plates after ..

  4. (DIY Edible Holiday Platter, Plates and Bowls Project - Festive and fun for the Holidays!) What a great idea, I have never seen anything like this before.

  5. That is so neat looking! I love it and need to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!
