“The featured Teleflora products were provided free of charge to facilitate my post, but all opinions are 100% the opinion of the Coupon Savvy Sarah family. Please note that your experiences with products featured here may vary from ours. This post may contain affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.”
Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service, is partnering with Emmy Award-winning host, comedian, and author Loni Love to encourage women to #LoveOutLoud this Valentine’s Day and uplift others in their lives. Throughout our digital lives we overshare everything, except our feelings for the ones we love. In its newest campaign, "Love Out Loud Truck,” Teleflora is encouraging you to go overboard and shower the special people in your lift with love - one handmade, hand-delivered Teleflora bouquet at a time.
In the spot, Love takes to the streets of Los Angeles in Teleflora’s Love Out Loud truck to surprise women and share unexpected compliments and bouquets. We see heartwarming moments of how flowers and a special gesture can bring people together and start a movement. As Love journeys around the city, something beautiful happens — women start complimenting one another and the rest is all smiles and tears.
“I love helping and uplifting women. I have noticed that women don’t compliment one another enough, that’s why I am excited to partner with Teleflora to show my Love Out Loud and encourage more women to show their love in a big way,” said Love. “My hope in driving the Love Truck was to make sure
every woman I met understood they are beautiful, and that they know how to give and accept compliments.”
Check out some of the beautiful Valentine's arrangements that Teleflora is offering this year! Each bouquet comes complete with a keepsake container that can be incorporated into home décor for years to come.
"Love Out Loud Truck" is an extension of Teleflora's overarching Love Out Loud brand platform, which launched during Christmas 2017. To show your love with friends and family, Love Out Loud and surprise them with a unique Teleflora arrangement. Teleflora's best-selling Valentine’s Day lineup features beautifully curated arrangements always made by hand and delivered to your doorstep by a local florist.
Disclosure: Coupon Savvy Sarah receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. Some posts may contain affiliate links that I receive commission or payment from in exchange for referrals. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend products or services I personally use and believe will be a good fit for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 225: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising"
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